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Dror - Imri Aloni, Moshav Beit Harut

Born 20.7.79 passed away 5.12.2012

Dror - Imri was diagnosed at the age of 10, which is extremely unusual

because neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that usually appears in babies up

to the age of 5. Imri came down with chicken pox, two weeks later he ran a

fever again, and something told me "Go to the doctor again." By then there

already was a 12 cm diameter lump in his stomach and our entire life turned

upside down. He was treated by the Head of the children's department at the

time, Prof. Paswell, who was a neighbor and personal friend, and Prof. Gidi

Rechavi, who was a young doctor at the time and accompanied us all the

way, during a struggle 24 years long. The treatment began with several

rounds of chemotherapy, and then his doctors sent him for a bone marrow

transplant at CHLA - Children's Hospital in Los Angeles, the pioneers of

autologous transplantation. In Israel, they hadn't done autologous transplants

yet (1989). We spent eight months in Los Angeles, when Imri had to spend 50

days in a sterile bubble room (laminar flow unit). He was called "The Boy from

the Bubble" and received quite a bit of media coverage. The chance that the

doctors gave us when he was diagnosed was 4% - for me there was no other

option but 100%. Against all odds, we returned to Israel as winners after

surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, and bone marrow transplant.

For ten years, Dror Imri was theoretically "clean"and lived almost a "normal"

life. He volunteered to the IDF (Israel Defense Force) and served in a

classified intelligence unit, until severe back pain began. We quickly realized

that it was a massive relapse with an extension to the spine, and within 24

hours he was released from the IDF, and we were once again on the

operating table in the hospital in Los Angeles Les (CHLA).

While undergoing chemotherapy treatments, Dror imri graduated from the

Technion as an industrial and management engineer, married his beloved

Noa, and when the disease returned at the age of 20, he discovered the

Buddhist world, and was a Chi Kung and meditation instructor. We have no

doubt that it extended his life by many years.

From the age of 20 until he died at the age of 34 there were repeated

recurrences, when every innovative treatment that was tried, including three

radioactive treatments (MIBG) in San Francisco. It is impossible to count the

number of surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, participation in innovative

studies in Israel and abroad and more.

Until he finally passed away on 5.12.2012, after 24 years of brave battle.

In 2020, we established the Dror Imri Aloni Health Information Research

Center at the Rupin Academic Center in Israel, where we engage in research

that combines technology (engineering) and spirit, which reflects our spirit and

that of our Dror Imri.

Dror Imri Aloni, wrote a wonderful book in his life: "Suddenly on one bright

day" - an empowering and optimistic book despite the well-known ending. In

the book, Imri describes the long journey from the moment of discovery at the

age of ten. In his unique way, he uses cancer as a lever for personal and

spiritual growth, directs a look to the deepest fears of our human existence, to

the pain and lack of acknowledgment, and with full openness invites us to join.

The book contains a lot of information about conventional and complementary

therapies, healthy lifestyle, meditation, and Qigong. This is a true story about

hope, courage, and peace, an honest observation of life and an

uncompromising love for it. A story about the struggle to survive and a desire

to understand what for.

Attached are links that give a more in-depth look at the life of Dror Imri Aloni:

1. A tribute to Dror Imri including media interviews and parts from a Buddhist sermon he gave at "Tovana" association.

2. The Dror Imri Aloni Health Information Research Center at the Rupin

Academic Center

Ruppin | The Dror (Imri) Aloni Center for health informatics

3. Links to purchase the book:

Out Of The Blue: The Story Of A Man Who Fought Back: Aloni, Dror:

9781546462750: Books

Dror - Imri Aloni

Ways to volunteer:

Help us diagnose on time!

As a family of a patient, we would be happy if you could share with us your story about your child’s symptoms till diagnosis. This information will assist with raising awareness to neuroblastoma, and support early diagnosis, which can literally save kids’ lives.


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